Who is Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven?

Willow Dragonstone Community & Coven is a legal 501(c)3 in Georgia that has been running a progressive pagan community in Gwinnett County, Georgia, for 10 years, at Imbolc of 2024. This community was started with some basic principles:

  • Everyone is welcome – age, gender identity, familial makeup, body type, abled, or disabled. Everyone is welcome.
  • Protect the children and protect sobriety – no drugs or alcohol at our events or as part of the rituals.
  • Protect the abused – No convicted sex offenders permitted. Willow recognizes and offers a path to membership for persons on the sex offender database, but that path is through many layers of established Willites, must adhere to any probationary rules, and will be common knowledge of all Willites
  • No violence in word or deed will be tolerated. Violence and violent action are prohibited.
  • Low Drama – through an encouragement to keep coven relationships coven oriented and a prohibition on Malicious gossip which is another form of violence.

Over the years, other standards have become evident:

  • No dogma of practice or belief. Willow is not in the business of telling you what or how to think or believe.
  • Pagan is very loosely defined in Willow – Christian Wiccans, Asatru, Hindu Practitioners, VooDoo – whatever, if your intent is to do as little harm in this life as possible, join us!
  • No restrictive rules about participation
    • We only require 3 events before you can earn a Token to attend private Full Moons
    • And there is no requirement about levels of participation after that.
  • One member one vote, majority of those present at votes rule
  • HPS and HP are elected every year
  • No dues

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please let us know!

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