Dedication Oath Required of New Members


Questioning Dedicates

Priest or Priestess:

Have you come to this circle to openly declare your intent to dedicate to Willow Dragonstone Community?                 

Dedicate answers

Have you come here of your own free will, un-coerced by others, driven only by the desire in your heart to be a part of this community?            

Dedicate answers

Have you chosen a spiritual name to be used in pagan circles?* 

Dedicate answers

 Vow  to WDSC

Priest or Priestess:

Dedicate, when You are ready, speak these words. Know that they are promises not only to this community but also to the God and Goddess.

 (Dedicate reads the Vows):

I (dedicates name), will be accepting and inclusive to all people who are spiritually called to worship in this community. This includes all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, relationship make-ups, ages, and familial presentations.

I understand that pagan will be defined as any person who seeks spirituality that is outside of the Abrahamic Religions – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, but can include aspects of the former.

I will maintain a positive ethical and moral compass that encourages empowerment of individuals to find, activate, and communicate from the place where they are their very best selves.

I will uphold the General Membership Agreement I have previously signed.

I will help create a safe environment by refusing to permit a culture of consensus toward violence and violation in word and deed. I will NEVER reveal outside WDSC any personal information about other community members without their express permission. I will NOT gossip even within the community about other community members. The words I speak of my community members will be uplifting, loving, and empowering because I know these words return to me upon the winds of the karmic law.

I understand that any ritual, spell work, or other magickal creation I collaborate with the community are retained as communal property so that my impact upon WDSC will never be forgotten. I further understand that all teaching materials generated singularly by any person is retained as their intellectual property and cannot be reproduced without their expressed permission.

I am gifting this token _______________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­ as an energetic representation of myself into the community, represented by the Token Box. I understand should I leave the community I MUST ask the acting High Priest or High Priestess to either return it to me or to remove it and give it back to the Earth.

I do hereby vow this to the God and Goddess and all of Willow Dragonstone Community.

*A magickal name is not required.